Monday, July 18, 2011

Russian Club


Apparently, there's a Russian Club in Group One at the Sweet Soul Camp this session.

SHHHHH!!! It's top-secret (or so little Izzie will tell you with her finger pressed urgently to her lips).

This club is so carefully-hidden that only the most persistent and creative adult members of our secret intelligence have managed to penetrate its inner circle. I am one of those privileged few. Thanks to my knowledge of the Russian language (a language shrouded in mystery and intrigue), I have become the first person above the age of five to be inducted into the actual Russian Club.

Here's how it happened: Late last week, I sauntered up nonchalantly to Isadora (alleged head of said organization), and whispered, "Привет. Можно говорить с тобой?" ("Hello. May I speak with you?") Hardly blinking, Izzie replied under her breath, "Mila and Gabby speak Russian too. . .BUT NO ONE CAN KNOW. Don't say anything to anyone but us."

So I found Mila and Gabby and asked, "Вы меня понимаете? Я по русски говорю!" ("Do you understand me? I speak Russian!"). The twins looked skeptical. They responded (which meant that they must have understood my Russian!), but they didn't seem to believe that I really knew their language until I started singing a children's song from the Russian version of Mary Poppins ("Тридцать три коровы, свежая страка. . ."). Then their eyes lit up and they giggled.

I guess those giggles signify my official acceptance to the club. I'm in! Now don't spoil it by spreading this confidential information. (I know our secret will be safe with you. . .)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Rediscovering the Joys of Discovery

". . .And then the evil sorcerer swoops down from the trees, but he doesn't realize that I'm holding the magical sword and standing in the safety ring. . ."

What's better than spending time in the imaginative world of a precocious child? How about spending two weeks in the imaginative worlds of thirty-one precocious children? This session's Sweet Soul participants are truly exceptional, and every time I step into their ever-expanding orbits of thought, I find myself amazed and delighted (and occasionally reduced to giggles).

"I just found a diamond made of pure gold!"

"I just cracked the secret code!"

"I just turned the sorcerer's empire into a giant candy land! Want some bubble gum?"

Eight children are jumping up and down, unable to contain the thrill of creative discovery. Two of them start tugging on my T-shirt (a shirt which, despite the "Sweet Soul" lettering on the front, almost certainly smells less-than-sweet after a long day at camp). These children have spent the entire morning and afternoon in dance classes and workshops, and it appears that what has thoroughly exhausted the adults was just a warm-up for the kids. Both mentally and physically, they're right on top of their game.

In my past work with children, I've had to consciously foster outside-the-box creativity. Not so here at Sweet Soul! As soon as I suggested a game of Clue Hunt during our playtime at the park, eight children immediately hopped aboard my train of thought and took off, full steam ahead! Wizards, fairies, witches, and ingenious solutions to a staggering number of problems seemed to materialize effortlessly from the depths of these kids' gray matter.

Maybe I've taught too many classes in disadvantaged areas, but I'd almost forgotten what it was like to teach a group of children who genuinely love the performing arts and who are eager to dive headfirst into new experiences. Both the older and the younger groups at Sweet Soul have latched right onto the the Broadway-style tunes that we've been learning in music class. They've also been processing rather complex ideas of rhythm, harmony, and counterpoint with relative ease. Often, while eating lunch or shuttling the kids from class to class, I'll hear a group of children start singing one of our songs ("I'm the star blinking in your twinkling sky; I'm the star gleaming on your stage. . ."). It makes me smile. There's nothing I enjoy more than watching children fall in love with something I love so much myself.

The breadth of thought and freedom of expression which seems to come so easily to these children is a testament to the care and dedication of their parents. On our way to the park today, I had a scintillating conversation with a 3-year-old about the artwork of Jackson Pollock ("I made a Pollock painting at my biwfday pawty by splashin' da paint evwiwhew!"). And yesterday, I sat through a brief dissertation about Maya Angelou, delivered by a 5-year-old who wants to grow up to be a concert pianist/gymnast/famous author (". . .with REAL books in a REAL library!"). These kids are passionate about life, about art, about discovery. And isn't discovery where passion originates?

I love the fact that kids have the power to remind adults of that simple truth.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Mormons in Manhattan

For better or for worse, Manhattan is becoming aware of "the Mormons."

According to the LDS missionaries I saw in Columbus Circle the other day, it's definitely for the better. The two elders were standing next to a prominent signboard which displayed information about the LDS church, trying to talk to people about the Book of Mormon. When I asked them how they felt about The Book of Mormon musical, one elder said, "Honestly, I think it's the best thing that has happened to the Church in a long time. People recognize us, and they're starting to ask questions."

The other elder grinned and pulled out his missionary handbook. Flipping to the back page, he showed me a picture that he'd tucked into the cover. It was a photo of the two elders standing with their arms around the leading actor in The Book of Mormon musical. "He told us that he really admired what we were doing and that he hoped we found success." "Sometimes people think we're part of the Broadway cast," added the first elder. "We've had a lot of people yell: 'Congratulations on all your Tonys!'"

In a sense, every advertisement for The Book of Mormon musical is also an advertisement for the LDS Church. If nothing else, the massive pictures of well-groomed missionaries in white shirts and black name tags are sparking a fad-ish kind of interest in the peculiar people known as "the Mormons." The Church recently launched a huge advertising campaign in Times Square, and the words "I am Mormon" can now be seen on a 20-foot billboard alongside advertisements for Wicked and Mama Mia.

This Mormon girl is witnessing the growing interest in the LDS faith from within her own personal realm. A few days ago at dinner in the residence hall, the conversation turned to The Book of Mormon musical. "Why does everyone seem so interested in seeing that show?" I asked. "It seems unique," said one of the girls. "And it won all those Tonys." When I explained that I was a Mormon myself, and that I was concerned about the way it portrayed members of our church, one girl said, "Oh, I wouldn't worry if I were you. People understand that it's Broadway and that it's written by the creators of South Park. Those guys do whatever they have to do in order to be funny. It's comedy--not reality."

My Mormon standards are also gaining me a reputation at the Strouse house. The other day, Richard Maltby dropped by to work with Charles Strouse, and I was invited to join the brainstorming session. If you've ever heard of the musical Miss Saigon or seen the movie Miss Potter, then you'll be impressed when I tell you that Richard is the writer of both. If not, you'll just have to take my word for it: He's a big deal. He and Charles are currently working on a new musical adaptation of the literary trilogy North and South. Charles had finished a new piece for the musical, and Richard (who doesn't read music) asked if I would play it through for him. "No offense, Charles," he said, "but you're not a very good pianist. It's always two notes and a %*!@ followed by two more notes and a &^$(!" Charles, who can have a rather foul mouth himself at times, looked genuinely stricken. "Erica doesn't understand all that!" he said. "She's a very pure young woman." :-)

Just sitting in the room with those two great minds, listening to their caustic banter and watching them fling around ideas was quite the experience. I tried jumping into the middle of things with as much self-confidence as I could muster, and when Richard found out that I was working on a musical myself, he asked me to send him some demo tracks. "I'd love to hear what you've been working on." he said. "So would I!" said Charles. "Jewel, help me clear some space on my computer so I can listen to Erica's files. . ." As we left the Strouse's apartment, Richard and I chatted a bit, and it sounds like he would be open to offering me a more long-term working arrangement in the future. There was a definite bounce in my step as I headed home after that conversation.

For the first time in my life, I'm realizing that my unique hodge-podge of skills might eventually be profitable! People actually want what I do. Sure, I've always composed out of a love of music and a desire to uplift others, but to think that somebody might actually be willing to PAY me for doing that? It's a new and interesting idea. And to think that there's actually a way of bringing together all the things that I love (music, theater, composing, writing) in a professional setting? It's almost too perfect. Because I have a solid background in classical composition with just enough stage performing/writing experience to make me theatrically-savvy, it seems I'm a rarer breed than the theater gurus who know just enough about music to make it on Broadway. Manhattan has become a sort of dreamland for me this summer where even my craziest artistic wishes might eventually be granted. I don't think there's any other place in the country--or in the world, really--where that could happen.

I'm also realizing that people actually want my skills as a piano teacher! If I could, without annoying my friends, I'd probably spend most of my time babbling on about music theory and trying to convert every new acquaintance to the joys of classical music. When I realize that I'm getting paid to do just that every time I teach a piano lesson, I'm always amazed. The best payment of all is watching the dawning comprehension and excitement in my students' faces as something clicks into place for the first time. That's the magic of music--of creation in general. I'm a fairy godmother granting people's musical wishes, and I'm getting paid for the job!

From what I can gather, The Book of Mormon musical seems to imply that Mormons choose to live a Disney-like dream by simply ignoring reality. Maybe that's a half-truth. Mormons don't ignore reality; in fact, most of us try to clear away distractions so we can see things as they truly are in a pretty level-headed way. We do, however, choose to focus on potential--to demand the best of people and circumstances and to consciously build up a better world. In that sense, then, maybe life can be like a big, happy musical. And why not? When a person enjoys the self-respect that comes from staying true to his/her beliefs and from involving himself/herself passionately in the good and the uplifting, what's to keep such a person from bursting out into song from time to time? Beneath all the heartache and frustration, there's an undercurrent of faith and stability in the life of a Mormon. Life is a journey into eternity, and heck, we Mormons believe in enjoying that ride!